Power:Ed Awards Inaugural Grant to SCICU

Power:Ed has awarded their inaugural grant to the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU), a 501c3 non-profit with the mission of promoting independent higher education in South Carolina.
The $50,000 grant will help SCICU provide scholarships to rising juniors and seniors in college who are at risk of dropping out of college due to financial hardships. Almost 15% of all students who have completed three-quarters of required courses leave without a college degree—and the reason is often the financial burden.
"These students are bright and hard-working, but they can find themselves, through no fault of their own, on thin financial ice. The SCSLC Power:Ed grants will help keep these students in school."
– Jeff Perez, SCICU President and CEO
The grant aligns with one of Power:Ed's three core focus areas: improving access to college and degree completion.
"At South Carolina Student Loan, we’ve seen how providing financial aid to students can be the deciding factor in educational success. We believe education is the single greatest investment we can make in our students and our state's future," said South Carolina Student Loan CEO Trey Simon. "Power:Ed, working with SC Student Loan, wants to help students stay in and complete school."
Grant applications are now being accepted. Power:Ed grants must be used for the benefit of South Carolina residents and students.
Power:Ed also welcomes opportunities to work with like-minded funding partners across the state to make a greater impact.
If you're interested in applying for a grant or partnering with us, visit power-ed.org.